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Mahila Pad Project


Menstruation is a biological process that signals a girl’s entry into womanhood, sexual activity and reproduction. It is a crucial period for young girls to be aware of their bodies and health. However, in Nepal, less than half of adolescent girls have adequate knowledge about menstruation and only one in ten practices good menstrual hygiene. The lack of knowledge on menstruation has a negative ripple effect that affects their education, physical health and well-being.


Women throughout the world face challenges during their monthly period. Some of these challenges are biological or physical, such as experiencing cramps, fatigue, or PMS. Other challenges may be particularly difficult for women living in developing countries like Nepal. Many cultures, have beliefs or myths relating to menstruation and so is the case with the Himalayan nation. Another challenge involves managing menstrual blood without modern sanitary products and in many cases, girls and women in rural areas use cloths during their menstrual cycle, which must be washed frequently. For young school going girls, limited access to toilets, water, and the lack of privacy, may make personal care not only difficult but unmanageable leading to lower rates of school attendance, performance and, loss of confidence in the long term.

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Our objective for the Menstrual Pad Project is to create skill development and employment that will train and assist 10 women to produce and market low-cost, affordable cloth pads for schools, communities and institutions. The project will work on a cross-subsidy model, selling the pads to Conscious Connections Foundation (CCF) and subsidize the costs to local village communities.


We will partner with Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) trainers from Radha Poudhyal Foundation to raise awareness on menstruation in rural and urban poor communities.  


Inspired by indigenous motifs and crafts that have existed for centuries, our goal is to keep the tradition alive by re-crafting them through our knitting communities.


We believe incorporating a ‘giving component’ into our products adds a deeper level of human association. By combining women’s empowerment, skill development, economic freedom, and education, our product is a fusion of philanthropy and beautiful handiwork by artisans. 







Phone: +1-773-701-0344 ( United States)

             +353 (0)-879767483 (Ireland)


Fax:      +1-917-475-9766

Copyright © 2018 Padhma Knits

Certified fair trade producer by the Fair Trade Federation, USA

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